It seems that today, most of the hidden, remote and out of the way places are no more to be discovered. It seems like there's not much exploration left of planet earth. The past centuries were the heroic epics of brave souls who dared go where none has ever gone before, and back then the world seemed to be a far bigger place.
A voyage from one continent to another is numbered in terms of months back then. Back then the discovery of new lands, new animal species, new cultures were met with wonderment and gasps of amazement.
The modern world of thrills and spills, of technological advancement, of the speed of travel, of massive information overload have all added to an almost total disregard for the history and the spirit of the pioneers of a forgotten era.
While we might not be the first to discover any lost island on our google map covered planet, I believe we can all relive the spirit of the pioneers. I believe we can approach each day of our lives as an invitation to embark on unknown adventures - to take the road that is less travelled - as Robert Frost put it. Rather than live in the mindless rut of routines, we can make that extra effort to buck the trend and climb out of the rut and explore our world with fresh eyes and curiosity.
I'm inspired by a series of messages by Brian Houston entitled Pioneer Again. I'm taking it seriously and it is seriously changing my daily life experiences.
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