
As you walk the highway and the byways of life
There are certain places where you never return to, never meant to, not wanting to. It could be places best forgotten or locked up in the attic of you mind, hoping it'll all fade with time.
And then there are other places where you stop for a rest, a break, to refresh
And in doing so, you strike up new friendships as you strike your match and light up the cigarette
And as you return time after time the relationship builds on the grounds of trust, respect and love

And so you journey on, hearts filled with good and warm memories that reflect on your face
Like the light and the sun and the wind and the air that bask you through the towns and fields and trees

Life is never meant to be lived for oneself alone
It is in giving that we receive
It is in loving that we grow in love
It is in the bitter coffee that we add the sweet

I remember Johnny Appleseed
He travels years ago through the wooded American landscapes and also the wide spaces
Eating apples, the good and sweet he enjoyed and then planted their seeds as he paced his walk
What's sour and bad he discards, not for planting in the virgin soils
It matters not if he will ever travel back along the same roads
For he knew in years to come, travellers, fellow journeymen will gain the benefit of his efforts - sweet apples, free and fresh along those roads
Sometime, we will not see or taste the fruits of the good seeds we sow
But in the end, that does not matter
For the thought is strong that such an investment is never wrong


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