My Childhood Years
In my childhood years
When life was young
And the world looked new
Filled with innocence and care-free days
Fascination and interest occupied each dawn
Be it a wandering in the backyard of chickens, goats and pigs
Or a forage in the nearby forest standing green and looming with creatures
But a trip to town always take the crown
The town - all kinds of faces, sights and sounds
Wide eyed wonder for a child
Holding tight to grandpa's hand
Excitement to enter a different world
The ears pick up all sorts of languages and dialects, unintelligible though
My nose takes in whiffs of perfume, cakes, spices, and the occasional foul smell of the drain!
My eyes are ever looking left and right taking in the movements, shapes and colours
My head is ever glancing upwards too for adults looked much like giants towering over me
Heady stuff for a child to take in
Seated on tall stools, eating with adult spoons
All the activity taking its toll
For the excitement wears off into a heaviness of eyelids
Struggling to stay awake
Often dozing off on the ride home
My childhood years
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