A White Tulip & the Sun

The phone call came, to my pastor friend
And so off we went
Four of us on the way to the hospital
For there a lady lay, sickly and in her sixties
In suffering and at the terminal stage

We arrived at her room, just as she concluded her prayer
That God would send her pastor to her
A more perfect timing, one could not have imagined!
To her, that was God's sign of love
With more to come
To us, we were in awe of God's perfect timing

We smiled and greeted, held her hands, massaged and prayed
Seeing one so frail and weak, and yet so filled with trust in God
All of us desiring, God's strength and comfort to fill her, to heal her

The cramped room was packed with family and friends and love
Surrounded as such we prayed all the more, deep from our hearts
In an instant, one of us saw a vision
A white tulip reaching upwards, towards the sun

We sensed the time was near
So we prayed for peace to calm her fears
The pain she suffered eased remarkably
A great contrast between before and after prayers

We said our goodbyes and went home
It was a Sunday
On Monday, around 5 am, just as the sun was rising
She was gone
A white tulip that reached the sun


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