Anchor of My Soul
An anchor
iron heavy, chain clanky
Coming in all sizes
Rusty or new
standard equipment acquainted by all shipping crew
O anchor
what is it you do
You sink into the shallows and into the ocean depth
And rest fast asleep on the sea bed
You've always been a sinker, never a floater
You hold the ship securely in position below the dancing waves
Equally able on calm or stormy days
You are a drift-impeder
You are designed that way
Now comes the time for me to say
There is, for me, too
an anchor for my soul
Meant for my mind, my will, my emotions
To keep me from drifting away with the world's tide
One that makes me whole
It is Jesus Christ by my side
My unseen chain to root my wandering brain
Keeping me safe & sane in the howling rain
O Jesus, anchor of my soul
Your mind anchors mine, Your will becomes mine, Your emotion anchors mine
Your very soul anchors my disturbed soul
and makes me whole.
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