I Write

I write because I must. I need to. 

I write because it is my right, my freedom of expression - the essence of my identity. 

Where would the world be if there is no written language, no words capable of being marked upon wet clay or penned upon paper?

Would civilisation have a very different story, a very different pace of progress in all fields of the sciences and the arts if words cannot be formed, expressed and preserved, and passed on?

I write because I want to. It's me. 
Others might not want to write, but I do. I choose to. 
There are those who write to fight for certain causes, others do it for pleasure. 
I write because this is an important part of me, of my sense of who I am. 

And in writing, I frame my floating, wandering thoughts into some form of comprehension - perhaps not obvious to others, but a clear light of day to me. 

And even when I write not knowing where my mind is leading me, it's a simple thrill, like walking alone on a foggy morning or evening. You can just about make out the next step as you take another step. 

Perhaps this is undisciplined writing, a chaotic progression in the narrative - if so, then do consider this as just another interesting variation in the world of writing. 

Perhaps, if the objective is a kind of self-exploration, a reflective kind of writing, there is indeed room for such a freedom of expression and of exploration. 

And once the journey is over, just as this posting is about to conclude, at least the writer goes away with a sense of satisfaction, of trying to figure himself out a bit more. 

Welcome to my world!


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