Oppa Jesus Style (Oppa Gangnam Style Parody)

(9th February 2013)


I posted this video on my blog back in December 13th 2012. Since that time, the views on youtube has gone over 24,000 views ... nothing to shout about when you compare with the number of views for Psy's original version. Nevertheless it was a wonderful experience for all of us who were involved in the production of this clip.

We've had all kinds of feedbacks, some not so encouraging, but others were truly up-lifting. Some parents really disliked their small kids dancing to the original, and were glad that there was a substitute which conveyed a more edifying message. Others felt that we sold out to a worldly song. Sigh!

What I'll say is this, that since the moment the idea was mooted, we saw God's gracious hand in bring about the entire production.

It was an afternoon in October when a few of us sat down to work on a presentation for a national level event's closing ceremony. That afternoon, in an empty auditorium (you can view this in the video), as we sat and talked about who we need, in the space of an hour, as we mentioned a person's name, that person walked into the hall as if on cue. It happened about a few times. The looks on our faces were like, wow, this is a God-thing! And it was!


All glory to Jesus Christ!


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