When Times Meets Newsweek
I took this photo late this afternoon. Two magazines delivered to my home. In an instance of inspiration I arranged the two and then snapped this pic.
I think you get the point.
I hope.
Is that the truth? That we can forget church and focus on following Jesus? If you're talking of an organized church, as in a religious organization, I'd tend to agree more somewhat.
But if we dig deeper into the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Holy Book described Jesus as the Head of the Church. The Church is also known as the Body of Christ.
So, the Church, as described in the Bible is not exactly referring to the organized system of religious denominations or orthodoxy per se. The Church in God's dictionary refers to the collective body of believers who follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
I think it is too simplistic to say "Forget Church. Follow Jesus." You can't chop off the Head and separate it from the Body!
When apostle Paul (then aka Saul), a fierce persecutor of the followers of Christ, encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, Jesus asked Saul why he was persecuting Him.
There, in the Lord's question, is a profound insight and implication that when the Christ followers are persecuted, Jesus takes it personally. It's a persecution unleashed against His Body, the Church.
I rest my case. Amen.
And Blessed Easter to you!
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