Run Forrest Run
I run not to escape, but to engage with reality
Reality that every step is made because I chose it
Life's like that, small and consistent decisions continuously
They all add up to huge life changes, just like the steps of ultra marathoners
It's easy to quit out there on the road, when it's a bad running day - legs heavy as rocks, unfavorable weather, physical fatigue, you name it
What keeps you going is drawn from deep within
It's the mind, the will that says, keep going
Out alone on the road, there's no one there to cheer you on, bud - you're on your own
So you've got to lean on yourself, be your own best cheerleader
Others count the lamp poles, one by one, fixing their iron gaze on the immediate one in front and pulling it in
Thank God for iPods and great music beats that syncs your steps and energizes your feet!
I try to take in what's happening around my surroundings -
The beauty in simple things like the blueness of the sky,
the whispering of the trees,
the waves of tall grasses in the fields,
the sparkling waters beneath the bridge,
a solitary heron - gems like that
It does wonders for my spirit and soul
I do find my runs tend to become a temple of worship to God
Simple thoughts, joys and fears, processed as the miles pass by
Often I'm at peace, tired but rested after the run
Daily I collect my peace medals, invisible to all, intangible & incorruptible
Though with age, times slowed and knees need loving care
It is my mind and spirit that benefits the most
I can relate to people who find that running helps them connect with God - Eugene Peterson & Bill Hybels for example
Forrest Gump, though a fictional character, comes to mind too
Running's very much a part of his life - in sports, in love, in life
Where's the fun in doing a set of repetitive actions especially with your hands and legs?
Runners love running - for many reasons, but don't try to analyze too hard that the joy of running is snuffed out
Dogs love running too - that is, running after runners!
I've been bit once by a dog, on a leash, unsuspectingly, and unwisely passing by, too closely
Nipped not in the bud, but smack on my butt
No blood drawn thankfully, but bruised in butt and ego for a week or so
Once I ran in a reserve, alone on the path
Shaded by trees and gloom, a drizzling quiet afternoon
The occasional lightning and thunder accompanied me
In the dim light of dusk I sped along the slippery path
Came upon a lengthy cobra across that path
Not able to stop in time, I leapt over its rising hood
And screamed as I accelerated away
Did I give up running?
No, I run to engage reality
Thanks Forrest
And thank you God!
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