Fighting the Good Fight

This is a tribute to my friend, Cheryl, who passed from the earthly realm into eternity to God's garden where Jesus and His angels dwell. That's a place with no more tears, no more suffering, only joy and peace and love - God's ever present love.

She passed on in the early morning hours at 3:25 am, still too dark a night and the morning light's still a few hours away. It was early this morning of the 1st of March 2012. Years of fighting the cancer that ravaged her body have given way at last to the peace in God's loving arms. I weep silently within as a friend would weep, and I rejoice in the same breath as a Christian can rejoice, for I know the parting is a temporary separation defined by physical time. There will be a reunion of many when we enter the gates of heaven.

She fought the good fight, right to the end. That's the Cheryl I know. She was a superb netball player, competitive by nature. There's a fiery glint in her eyes, and how they used to sparkle bright! I know we will see her at Christ's side one day, without a trace of ill health, rested and rejoicing in the Lord.

"We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him." ~ Apostle Paul in his letter to the Thessalonian church


  1. Tonight, 4 Mar 2012, we had a memorial service at Cheryl's home. I was really moved to tears because of so many of her loved ones. They dearly felt the sense of loss, but at the same time, I believe many were comforted by the assurance that Cheryl is in a better place now, with Jesus. One of her friend who sat by her hospital bed till her passing shared how there came a point where no medication could help. It was then, as they read the Bible passages, sang worship songs, and prayed, that they saw a lift in her condition. This effect was so evident that there's the supernatural grace of God at work. I had a chat with Cheryl's husband and he too mentioned the point where prayer made the difference where medicine could no longer do so. Thank you Jesus - You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.

  2. Amen.!!!RIP Cheryl, you have fight a good fight for the lord..

    1. To all who knows Cheryl, and would like to, please feel free to write your comments, in remembrance of her. I know Cheryl has many friends out there too. To God be the glory!

  3. I need to backtrack a bit, also to after midnight on 1st Mar. When I prayed for Cheryl at that time, I did receive the distinct impression from the Lord that He will bring her home between 3 and 3:30am. She went home at 3:25am. Jesus still speaks, and He speaks to assure and to comfort. I shared this bit tonight at the memorial service to all her loved ones gathered there.


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