
Why did God create the heavens & the earth? He could have gotten on without them. He's not part of creation. He lives outside of creation. As huge as the universe is, and scientists says that the universe is still expanding outwards, God is bigger and greater and outside of that universe! 

And just how big is the universe? Here's how John Piper described the universe (Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God, p 194). 
"Scentists know that light travels at the speed of 5.87 trillion miles a year. They also know the galaxy which our solar system is a part of is about 100,000 light-years in diameter - about 587 thousand trillion miles. It is one of about a million such galaxies in the optical range of our most powerful telescopes. In our galaxy there are about one hundred billion stars. The sun is one of them, a modest star burning at about 6,000 degrees centigrade on the surface and traveling in an orbit at 155 miles per second, which means it will take about two hundred million years to complete a revolution around the galaxy."

Is this not something amazingly wonderful? Though our human minds cannot truly comprehend these statistics, the thinking person will come away with a sense of the greatness of God. 

Albert Einstein felt awed by it all. He felt something like this: "If there is a personal God, as the Christians say, who spoke this universe into being, then there is a certain respect and reverence and wonder and dread that would have to come through when we talk about him. And certainly we would be talking about him all the time since he is the most important reality."


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